Yo Dude
Java Script
Known as a
Basic Operators
A declaration of let declares a set of Variables that can be altered using the arithmetic operator.
A declaration of const declares a set of Variables that should not be altered using the arithmetic operator.
Arithmatic operators include Addition + , Subtration - , Multiplication * and Division / .
const now = 2021;
const ageJonas = now - 1980;
const ageSarah = now - 2012;
To view results a log must be added to the console.
console.log (ageJonas,ageSarah);
The debug console should output 41 9
With both ages now established within a "constant" we can now accurately establish other values via Arithmatic operators.
console.log (ageJonas * 2, ageJonas / 10, 2 ** 3);
2 ** 3 means 2 to the power of 3 = 2 * 2 * 2
The debug console should output 82 4.1 8
Using the + operator it is possible to join strings.
const firstName = 'Jonas';
const lastName = 'Flanders';
console.log(firstName + ' ' + lastName);
The debug console should output Jonas Flanders
Assignment operators = , +=, *=, ++, - -.
let x = 10 + 5; // 15 = x
x += 10; // 15 = x + 10 = 25
x *= 4; // 25 = x * 4 = 100
x ++ 10; // 100 = x + 1 = 101
x -- 10; // 100 = x - 1 = 99
The debug console should output 15 then change to 25 then change to 100 then change to 101 then change to 99
Comparison operators > , <, >=, <=.
console.log(ageJonas > ageSarah); = true
The debug console should output true. This is because
Jonas age is 41and is grater > than Sarahs age of 9.